stitches & fractures


Most injuries do not require a trip to the emergency room. bluedoor providers and staff are extensively trained and practiced in treating non-serious fractures and lacerations, the majority of which can be treated in an urgent care setting. For these types of injuries, a visit to the ER can be extremely expensive, risky and time consuming. In fact, nearly 80% of injuries and illnesses from an ER can be treated more quickly at an urgent care like bluedoor*.

Our licensed staff of providers have years of experience treating all types of lacerations and breaks. After your treatment, we ensure that you have proper follow up care so you heal as quickly as possible. To make your visit even easier, we have braces, slings, crutches, soft casts on site.

*Complex fractures, complex dislocations and lacerations of tendons or laceration requiring a specialist will be referred to either the ER or needed specialist. More info here.

Have more questions? Call or text us at 310-391-5241.