Rarely can things be considered (and proven) to be “miracle working therapies.” NAD+ is one of the few. NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found naturally in all living cells. And, although everyone is born with NAD+, our body's natural stores begin to decline dramatically after age 30. Because of the role it plays in so many different biological functions, maintaining an optimal level of this coenzyme is proving to show a variety of positive long-term health outcomes.

How does NAD+ work?

The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell - generating most of the energy needed for each cell to operate at peak performance. NAD+ is a naturally occurring co-enzyme within the mitochondria that works directly on the molecule responsible for generating this energy (ATP). Think of the mitochondria like a lithium battery. As a fresh new battery, it is well charged and efficient, but over time, its power supply begins to wane and it becomes less effective. Similarly, after age 30, our cells’ natural supply of NAD+ decreases, leading our mitochondria to be less effective at producing energy. This leaves us vulnerable to cellular aging. By boosting the amount of NAD+ in our body, either through an IV infusion, an injection, transdermal patch or tablet, we are effectively recharging the battery and reaping the benefits of more efficient cell function.

What are the benefits?

  • Improves symptoms associated with

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • PTSD

  • Regulates sleep cycle

  • Regulates appetite

  • Rejuvenates cells for a more youthful appearance

  • Improves cognitive function

  • Increases energy

  • Decreases inflammation

  • Decreases cravings for drugs and alcohol

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